Tuesday, September 27, 2011

simple manners you should have in public, but you don't because you are an asshole.

I have noticed many things in my line of work. One thing that really stands out is the bad manners that people have these days. Here is a list of things that you shouldn't do while waiting in line and when someone tries to take your order:
1) Talk on the phone and ignore the person trying to help you. People do this constantly and they apologize to the person on the phone instead of me. If you do this, it makes you a rude little bitch who should be shot. 2) You don't know how to throw away a simple straw wrapper. Some people do this where i work, it's rude and lazy. Sometimes i wish i could shove that wrapper down their throat and make them choke on it.
 3) Talking to other people and ignoring me when i'm trying to take your order. when this happens, i will walk away. you deserve to wait longer if you are going to be the punk bitch who does this.
4) People who glare at the people who is making your drink. if you are going to glare at them, it makes you a psychotic asshole who needs a pipe shoved up your ass and then heat the pipe up. then make them have a permanent burn on their body. I say bring on the hot pipes. i know several people who deserve this torture. 5) Talking loudly on the phone, so the whole store can hear your conversation. when this occurs, i will run the blender without the lid closed. this will drown them out and also really annoy them. you win every time.
6) Say rude uncalled comments to you while you are making their drink. I have had this happen to me by this superbitch stephanie. she did this with her family watching her. Screw her, i say. besides her and her family is trailer trash who smells really bad.
7) Grabbing shit behind the counter when you don't work there. People will grab cups,straws, drink holders, lids. If you don't work there, keep your hands off. Don't be that asshole.
8) My biggest complaint: Hand me your money. Do Not throw it on the counter. I have devised a system for assholes like you. I count your money so slow, you have to wait longer. use common courtesy and hand me your money. otherwise, you better watch your back and your drink. you never know what i will do to it.
9) Dear old people and foreign people: stop being assholes just because your old and foreign. these people are always rude. also try to speak english, i don't know chinese. these people never hand me money, are really rude, and just are always jerks. go back where you came from i say.
10) stop complaining about the prices. if you are complaining, then go somewhere else. I don't make the prices, the company does. so if you want to add soy milk to your latte,it's extra. deal with it you cheap ass jerk.

That was my ten things to not do in public when you visit a coffee shop. If you have done these things, you should go to hell and never come back. you are an asshole.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

the curious tale of stephanie m.

As promised, the tale of stephanie will be really interesting. It all begins with this whore stephanie. Now stephanie likes to change her hair from regular brunette to hooker blonde with black tips and roots. This is why she is a cheap looking coke whore. Her other bad traits include: being a bitch, no manners, and she dates a married man and a guy with a long greasy ponytail who always smells like a rotten dumpster. Just the other day her married lover was with her when she ordered her drink and he has bought several of them for her. Also another note to add is that a coworker mentioned to her " boyfriend" that rodney already got her a drink and she said he had a mad face about it. So he knows she is a whore, but the way he smells and looks i guess he can't be too picky. This woman just needs to get bitch slapped really hard, because no one likes her. Whenever i see her smelly boyfriend, i put a straw on the counter for him to grab. But guess what? This lazy son of a bitch does not know the meaning of throwing trash away. He throws his wrapper on the counter and walks away. one day he will get what is coming to him. my motto is that if you can't throw your trash away, you are trash. I want to make a prediction right now about these shitty people i encounter daily. I predict that they live in a rotting trailer by the trash dump, they are on welfare, the kids are also assholes and trashy(this is true), and one day her shitty life will collaspe around her and she will lose everything. She deserves to lose her job and everything else. To end this description of this person, she is a 11 on a bitch scale. someone please just go up and slap her silly. She needs to have a hot poker shoved up her ass.
I now have told you about stephanie. This person is constant pain where i work, but there are many others will get recognition. I've been thinking about the things that really irk me, and i've thought of a top ten. till tomorrow. One last note, if you see stephanie slap her in the face. she deserves it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let me introduce myself

Hi! I am a barista who can't stand how people treat us. It seems like that people have forgotten how to treat other people with respect and dignity.  Just because you are getting that fancy latte means you can be a gigantic asshole to me or the countless other victims who get treated like crap by people like you.  I have many stories of the bitches and assholes who i encounter daily. I will say names because these people deserve a little payback for their behavior.  I have heard gossip about these assholes and i hope it spreads all over the internet like a wildfire. I don't care about hurting their feelings, especially when they treat me and my fellow coworkers like we have none.  If I could get away with it, I would spit in your coffee. You deserve that if you can't be respectful. In my two plus years of being a barista, I have seen and heard it all. For example: the bitch Camille who throws trash all over the floor and counter.  Why you ask?  Well maybe it is because she is a curly haired trashy whore. One conversation I heard because she was pracically yelling into her cellphone two feet away from me: " I went out last night. I think I might be pregnant. It was probably that guy I had a one night stand with." Her other numerous offenses: 1) She throws her money all over the counter. 2) She touches all the crap behind the counter and grabs a straw, even though there's already one on the counter. 3) She looks like a two dollar street whore. Point being she is a super bitch who needs to go to hell and stay there.  Another subject I want to talk about is the annoying behavior: 1) DO NOT keep demanding i take your order when i am trying to finish up another order. It makes you a asshole. 2) Hand the cashier the money. Throwing it on the counter is rude and lazy. One trick i use to annoy the assholes who do this is slowly count the change. For example, I will take my dear time putting the money in the register. You deserve to wait if you comment this offense. 3) People who drink hot drinks with a straw and put sleeves on a cold drink/or people who demand we double cup their cold drink. You are all weirdos who need to see a therapist about your OCD behavior. One day i hope that straw will melt into your coffee and you die of plastic poisoning. Once again, WEIRDOS.  I will end this blog here and return tomorrow with the tale of stephanie. She is the homewrecking whore who dates the smelly long haired ponytail freak. You will really love this tale. Till tomorrow.