Saturday, June 2, 2012

So today i had to deal with the bitchest bitch ever. She was on her phone while she was ordering and told me she wanted a chai latte. I make the drink up to pouring the milk, and then she says i want soy milk, no water, and cinnamon dolce syrup. If the bitch had got off the phone  before she ordered we wouldn't have had to make the drink over. That's the problem with people today. it's common courtesey to get off the phone when you are at a counter ordering. If you can't do that if makes you a dirty, fucking, scumbag asshole with no fucking manners. that bitch deserved to have her drink spit in. Next time she comes in, if she is on the phone, then she can wait or have someone else wait on her. She deserves a fucking stick up her ass, dirty asswhore twit.
     Also on the slut with gut homewrecking whore story, also known as stephanie the fugly bitch face, she has to be nice to be or get fired. or even worse if her dirty looking trailer trash looking scum "friend" is not so nice he can be banned from the store. If he causes more trouble there will be a email sent to corporate about favortism to certain employees who harrass people just doing their job. He said some comment that should not have been said in the first place and after a message to facebook about telling management about his behavior he has not ordered her drink while i was up there. i think he's afraid of me. he's a little boy trapped in a sorry piece of shit's fugly body who does meth and crack and any other drug he can get at the crackhouse. the end of the story is that i won and they lost. their mouths are pretty much restricted to what they say to me. if certain target employees wouldn't have been besties with the criminals maybe something would have done sooner.
     a side note on manners and courtesy: GET OFF THE PHONE WHEN YOU ARE ORDERING. if you don't it makes you a sorry piece of crap who was raised in a barn with a pig up your ass. I hate people like that. you deserve no courtesy, no niceness, but you do deserve a kick in the ass with a giant pole shoved up your ass till you learn manners.  that's all!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

new horror tales of assholes and bitches who can't behave in public

So, i haven't posted in awhile. Have some new juicy stories about the stupid, annoying behaviors of people who act like wild barn animals in public. One of my favorite subjects that is always causing trouble is S.M. or now new name "limp bitch". the name change because seeing her yesterday limping like a shot deer in the woods. She and her whatever mark are the biggest assholes, psychotic, crazy, jackasses, stupid, ugly, trashiest people you will ever meet. Thoses two have been harassing me and people i work with for over a year. She gets away with it because she is buddy buddy with someone in management. This buddy told me straightup to my face that she can do whatever she wants because she spends alot of money there. translation: she can slash my tires, threaten me with violence, scream and yell like a psychotic psycho with no consequences to her, givie us threatning looks, tell us how to do our jobs: guess what nothing happens to her. well when i get a new better job i'm going to coporate about everything and somebody is going to get fired for not doing their job. I'm not done with "K" yet. Her day will come and she will pay for being a bitch helping a bitch. She is now targeting me and blaming everything on me that happens. You can't trust anyone in management where i work. You can't go to them for help with problems, all they care about is money,money,money. Let me give you a comparison: would you demand to someone who has been assaulted and beaten play nice with her attacker? No, so why do we have to play nice to that psycho and her nasty boytoy. Now her married boyfriend has never caused trouble. Probably because everyone knows that he is having an affair with her, and he doesn't want to attract attention to himself. Point being, she is a homewrecking whore who deserves to be fired and put out on the street where she should have to prostitute herself to survive. She deserves no pity.  enough about that bitch. next story.
               One pet peeve i have is people telling you their drink order, you make the drink, start to hand it to them, then they get an attitude and change their order. we write down what you tell us, so don't start bitching to us that we got it wrong. you did you sorry piece of shit. learn how to order your drink next time. another thing i can't stand is people who come in looking for trouble, make up shit that didn't happen, just so they can get you in trouble at your job. Yesterday i had this girl come in and pull that shit. I don't even remember who she is because i had to deal with so many assholes yesterday. but apparently she made up this whole incident in her screwed up head and tattled to her friend who works there too. that friend pulled me aside and i told her that i wasn't rude to anyone and she probably just got the whole thing confused. So, point being stop going into places, and starting drama just because you don't get enough attention. DO NOT BE A ATTENTION WHORE! That girl yesterday was.
             I my line of work you deal with the worst kind of people, the kind of people who act all high and mighty and think their shit doesn't stink. They think they we are crap because we make coffee for a living. well i will tell you i probably make more in a hour than they do. only people that work in the same can understand what we go through everyday. if you can't be respectful and have some scrap of manners then go somewhere else, we don't want business from you, if you can't act like a human. after all i've never heard of satan's spawns drinking coffee. Have you?